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Qi beauty in Spruce Grove

qibeautyEvery facial is unique, ever experience different. 1000 gold plated micro magnets are applied to your skin to stimulate sub-dermal layers and move natural anti-ageing compounds upwards.

… The results?

noticeable change in the appearance and tone of your skin. Reduce the appearance of small lines, wrinkles and pigmentation. Over time, your Qi beauty facial treatments will sustain the health and vitality of your skin for long term age-control, and beauty at every age.

Qi beauty Facial Lift Treatment:

Initial (90mins)
This luxurious treatment activates Qi within the skin to define facial features and promote volume within facial lines for an anti-age result. Natural and organic Australian blends are applied in sequence throughout the twelve steps of the Qi beauty Facial Treatment to provide nutrient support to assist deep repair. This facial treatment is the first step to continuous and sustainable age control. Call 780-962-4646 to schedule your Qi Beauty Facial

Please complete the Qi Beauty Patient Form before your visit.


360° Wellness | (780) 962-4646